

每年的 3 月 30 日是文森特-梵高的生日,他在死後被診斷出患有躁鬱症。世界躁鬱症日的願景是鼓勵人們瞭解什麼是躁鬱症,什麼不是躁鬱症,並從地球上消除對躁鬱症的偏見。每年,英國躁鬱症協會(Bipolar UK)都會舉行年度會議,並開展一系列活動來提高人們的認識,為慶祝世界躁鬱症日籌集資金。

World Bipolar Day is celebrated each year on 30 March, the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh, who was diagnosed with bipolar after he died. The vision of World Bipolar Day is to encourage understanding about what bipolar is – and isn’t – and to banish stigma from the face of the planet. Each year Bipolar UK holds its annual conference and runs a number of activities to raise awareness and raise funds to celebrate this day.